Results for 'Jacques Guy Jean'

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    Summa de anima.Jacques Guy Jean & Bougerol - 1995 - Paris: Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin. Edited by Jacques Guy Bougerol.
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    Études philosophiques.Jean-Louis Cherlonneix, Pierre Louis, Jean-Pierre Cléro, Jean Bernhardt, Anne Despagne, Marie-José Durand Richard, Marie-Jeanne Königson-Montain, Dominique Bourel, Jean-Pierre Osier, Jacques Merleau-Ponty, Bertrand Saint-Sernin, Perrine Simon-Nahum & Guy Lafrance - 1993 - Revue de Synthèse 114 (2):297-336.
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    Philosophie et Épistémologie.Alain Guy, Jean Bernhardt, Jean Jolivet, Jacques Bonitzer, André Stanguennec, Pascal Engel & Catherine Chevalley - 1987 - Revue de Synthèse 108 (3-4):481-502.
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  4. Sur la dialectique.Etienne Balibar, Guy Besse, Jean-Pierre Cotten, Pierre Jaeglé, Georges Labica & Jacques Texier - 1978 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 168 (3):372-373.
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    GAUTHIER, Jacques, Patrice de La Tour du Pin, quêteur du Dieu de joieGAUTHIER, Jacques, Patrice de La Tour du Pin, quêteur du Dieu de joie.Jean-Guy Pagé - 1989 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 45 (1):164-165.
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    Les Projections de Pensée Ne Sont Que Des Films Que Nous Nous Faisons Sur Les Autres Et QUI Sont le Produit de Nos Differents Enfermements. Rapport Sur le Projet „Philosophie Vivante”.Jean Jacques Sarfati - forthcoming - Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Philosophia:7-14.
    Thought Projections Are Nothing but Scenarios We Construct About Others and Are the Products of Our Own Closed-Mindedness. Report on the "Living Philosophy" Project. This text is a reflection on Projections. The aim here is to show that it is necessary to go beyond the Freudian concept to offer a more open reading of the concept of projections. The term is taken in its true sense. Projection is mainly used today in the world of cinema and entertainment. To be victim (...)
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    BALIBAR, Étienne, BESSE, Guy, COTTEN, Jean-Pierre, JAEGLÉ, Pierre, LABICA, Georges, TEXIER, Jacques, Sur la dialectique.Jean-Dominique Robert - 1980 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 36 (1):105-105.
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    Jean-Jacques Rousseau: authoritarian libertarian?Guy Howard Dodge - 1971 - Lexington, Mass.,: Heath.
  9. «Sonate, que me veux-tu?»: Jean-Jacques Rousseau and the Problem of Instrumental Music.Guy Dammann - 2004 - Ad Parnassum 3 (5):57-67.
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  10. The morality of musical imitation in Jean-Jacques Rousseau.Guy Dammann - 2005 - Dissertation, King's College London
    The thesis analyses the relation between Rousseau’s musical writings and elements of his moral, social and linguistic philosophy. In particular, I am concerned to demonstrate: (i.) how the core of Rousseau’s theory of musical imitation is grounded in the same analysis of the nature of man which governs his moral and social philosophy; (ii.) how this grounding does not extend to the stylistic prescriptions the justification of which Rousseau intended his musical writings to offer. The central argument draws on Rousseau’s (...)
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    The Place of René Girard in Contemporary Philosophy.Guy Vanheeswijck - 2003 - Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 10 (1):95-110.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:THE PLACE OF RENE GIRARD IN CONTEMPORARY PHILOSOPHY Guy Vanheeswijck University ofAntwerp and ofLeuven Iwould like to start by quoting a text which is likely to be recognized by everyone, who is even on a superficial level familiar with the work of René Girard: Desire that bears on a natural object is only human to the extent that it is mediated by the desire of another bearing on the (...)
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  12. L'interprétation éthico-juridique du Contrat social.Guy Lafrance - 1995 - Etudes Jean-Jacques Rousseau 7:27.
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    Positions: entretiens avec Henri Ronse...[et al.].Jacques Derrida & Henri Ronse - 1987 - Les Editions de Minuit.
    Positions is a collection of three interviews with Jacques Derrida that illuminate and make more accessible the complex concepts and terms treated extensively in such works as Writing and Difference and Dissemination. Derrida takes positions on his detractors, his supporters, and the two major preoccupations of French intellectual life, Marxism and psychoanalysis. The interviews included in this volume offer a multifaceted view of Derrida. "Implications: Interview with Henri Ronse" contains a succinct statement of principles. "Seminology and Grammatology: Interview with (...)
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    Climate Refugees.Hubert Reeves & Jean Jouzel - 2010 - MIT Press.
    Heartbreaking stories and pictures documenting the phenomenon of populations displaced by climate change—homes, neighborhoods, livelihoods, and cultures lost. "Our job is to tell stories we have heard and to bear witness to what we have seen. The science was already there when we started in 2004, but we wanted to emphasize the human dimension, especially for those most vulnerable." —Guy-Pierre Chomette, Collectif Argos We have all seen photographs of neighborhoods wrecked and abandoned after a hurricane, of dry, cracked terrain that (...)
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  15. Bibliographia Bonaventuriana (c. 1850-1973).Jacques Guy Bougerol - 1974 - Grottaferrata: Collegio S. Bonaventura.
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    Le rôle de l'influentia dans la théologie de la gr'ce chez S. Bonaventure.Jacques Guy Bougerol - 1974 - Revue Théologique de Louvain 5 (3):273-300.
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    Saint Bonaventure: études sur les sources de sa pensée.Jacques Guy Bougerol - 1989 - Northampton: Variorum Reprints.
    In the history of Christian thought, St Bonaventure stands out as the pre-eminent Franciscan philosopher of the 13th century and as a key figure in the development of the spiritual theology of the Church. The four studies which constitute this volume present detailed investigations into some of the principal sources from which Bonaventure drew his inspiration, from Antiquity through to St Bernard in the century before his own. Proceeding from a careful analysis of the quotations he makes from these sources, (...)
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  18. Confessions... [of] of Jean Jacques Rousseau.Jean-Jacques Rousseau & Jean-Pierre Néraudau - 1971 - Larousse.
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    Theory Beyond Structure and Agency: Introducing the Metric/Nonmetric Distinction.Jean-Sébastien Guy - 2019 - Springer Verlag.
    This book offers a solution for the problem of structure and agency in sociological theory by developing a new pair of fundamental concepts: metric and nonmetric. Nonmetric forms, arising in a crowd made out of innumerable individuals, correspond to social groups that divide the many individuals in the crowd into insiders and outsiders. Metric forms correspond to congested zones like traffic jams on a highway: individuals are constantly entering and leaving these zones so that they continue to exist, even though (...)
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    Beyond global modernity, global consciousness and global governmentality: The symmetrical anthropology of globalization.Jean-Sébastien Guy - 2016 - European Journal of Social Theory 19 (4):451-467.
    The article combines the research strategies developed by Bruno Latour and Niklas Luhmann to problematize how we interpret the world when discussing globalization. Two previous approaches – global modernity and global consciousness – interpret the world as completely objective (nature transcends culture). Another approach – global governmentality – interprets the world as completely subjective (culture transcends nature). Against these approaches, this article proposes a new one: the symmetrical anthropology (or sociology) of globalization. Inspired by Latour’s variable ontologies, it considers multiple (...)
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    Le philosophe et le réel: entretiens avec Jean-Jacques Rosat.Jacques Bouveresse & Jean-Jacques Rosat - 1998 - Hachette.
    Ces Entretiens sont à la fois l'autobiographie intellectuelle d'un des philosophes les plus au fait de quelques-uns des grands débats contemporains et un plaidoyer pour un style de pensée modeste, rigoureux et ironique. Jacques Bouveresse appartient à cette génération des jeunes assistants qui, dans les années 1960 montèrent à l'assaut d'une Sorbonne un peu poussiéreuse et à dominante spiritualiste. La véritable nouveauté pour lui ne fut cependant ni la linguistique, ni le marxisme, ni la psychanalyse, mais la logique " (...)
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    What makes a difference? Symmetry as a sociological concept.Jean-Sébastien Guy & Steffen Roth - forthcoming - Theory and Society:1-18.
    This article discusses symmetry as an analytical tool for sociological analysis. Symmetry is presented as a property of social formations and a way to generate information about them through their mutual comparisons. The concept thus displaces the old dichotomy between individual and society. The latter forces to think in terms of wholes and parts, unduly limiting the possibilities at hand by keeping individuals as prisoners of societies, as it were. Symmetry opens the door for more alternatives by making room for (...)
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  23. L'esprit de Julie, Ou, Extrait de la Nouvelle Héloïse Ouvrage Utile À la Société Et Particulierement À la Jeunesse.Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Jean-Henri-Samuel Formey & Jean Jasperd - 1763 - Chez Jean Jasperd.
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  24. Guiding the study of brain dynamics by using first- person data: Synchrony patterns correlate with ongoing conscious states during a simple visual task.Antoine Lutz, Jacques Martinerie, Jean-Philippe Lachaux & Francisco J. Varela - 2002 - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the Usa 99 (3):1586-1591.
    Laboratoire de Neurosciences Cognitives et Imagerie Ce´re´brale (LENA), Hoˆpital de La Salpeˆtrie`re, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS).
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    Neural entrainment to musical rhythms in human auditory cortex, as revealed by intracerebral recordings.Nozaradan Sylvie, Jonas Jacques, Vignal Jean-Pierre, Maillard Louis & Mouraux Andre - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
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    (5 other versions)Chroniques.Jacques Etienne & Jean-Pierre Deschepper - 1985 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 83 (4):635-688.
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    Identification des défauts d';empilement d';un alliage ordonné de structure L12par microscopie électronique.Jean-Jacques Couderc, Jean Bras, Monique Fagot & René Ayroles - 1975 - Philosophical Magazine 31 (2):291-304.
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    Hegel et la pensée moderne: séminaire sur Hegel.Jacques D'hondt & Jean Hyppolite - 1970 - Presses Universitaires de France.
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  29. Measuring Corporate Social Performance in France: A Critical and Empirical Analysis of ARESE Data.Jacques Igalens & Jean-Pascal Gond - 2005 - Journal of Business Ethics 56 (2):131-148.
    This article studies the idea of Corporate Social Performance (CSP) from a critical perspective using empirical elements derived from analysis of year 2000 ARESE data. ARESE is the French first mover social rating agency providing quantified data about the Social Performance of French companies. The paper starts out by reviewing leading CSP models and discussing problems inherent to the measurement of this construct before going on to present and analyse ARESE data - whose suitability for existing models will be discussed.
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    Letter to D'Alembert and Writings for the Theater.Jean-Jacques Rousseau & Jean Le Rond D' Alembert - 2004 - UPNE.
    These two thinkers confront the issues surrounding public support for the arts through d'Alembert's original proposal, Rousseau's attack, and the first English translation of d'Alembert's response as well as correspondence relating to the exchange.".
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    Lyon: philosophie et musique—les équivoques de l'expression.Brigitte Nessler, Jean-Philippe Guye & Marie-Louise Mallet - 1986 - le Cahier (Collège International de Philosophie) 2:144-147.
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  32. Die postnationale Konstellation. Politische Essays.Jürgen Habermas, Jacques Bidet & Jean-Marc Lachaud - 2001 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 191 (1):87-89.
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    (11 other versions)Chronique générale.Jacques Etienne & Jean-Pierre Deschepper - 1985 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 83 (2):307-329.
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  34. Jacques Et Raïssa Maritain Œvres Complètes.Jacques Maritain, Jean-Marie Allion, Raïssa Maritain & Cercle D'études Jacques et Raïssa Maritain - 1982
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  35. Le problème de la morale chrétienne.Jacques Bois, Jean Boisset & Roger Mehl - 1953 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 143:137-138.
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    « Cette continuité souterraine ne sera jamais brisée ». Retours sur l’histoire de l’URSS et la nature actuelle de la Russie.Jean-Jacques Marie & Jean-Numa Ducange - 2021 - Actuel Marx 1:137-148.
    Cet entretien revient sur l’histoire des oppositions de gauche en URSS (notamment trotskystes, mais pas uniquement) et sur l’évolution actuelle de la Russie post-soviétique. Il critique les approches considérant l’URSS comme un « capitalisme d’État » et analyse les transformations à l’œuvre de la Russie contemporaine, notamment en terme de rapports de propriété. La nomenklatura joue un rôle contradictoire, tenant à conserver le contrôle de l’État tout en impulsant une vague de privatisations sous pression internationale.
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  37. Une grande amitié. Correspondance.Julien Green, Jacques Maritain & Jean-Pierre Pirion - 1982 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 172 (1):65-66.
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  38. Essais.Jacques Bouveresse & Jean Jacques Rosat - 2000
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    La lingüística de Rousseau.Jacques Derrida & Jean-Jacques Rousseau - 1970 - Calden.
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  40. [Liminaire sur l'ouvrage d'Alain Badiou “L'etre et l'evenement”].Philippe Lacoue-Labarthe, Jacques RanciÈre, Jean-franÇois Lyotard & Alain Badiou - 1989 - le Cahier (Collège International de Philosophie) 8:201-268.
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  41. D'ailleurs, Derrida Derrida's Elsewhere.Safaa Fathy, Jacques Derrida, Jean-luc Nancy, Laurent Lavoie & Isabelle Pragier - 1999 - First Run/Icarus Films.
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    Une grande amitié: correspondance, 1926-1972.Julien Green, Jacques Maritain & Jean-Pierre J. Piriou - 1979
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    Ouverture.Jacques Derrida & Jean-Luc Nancy - 2004 - Rue Descartes n° 45-46 (3):26-57.
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  44. Mythische figuren van de moderniteit.Jacques De Visscher, Jean-Pierre Wils & Antoon Braeckman - 2007 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 69 (1):166-167.
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  45. Jean-Jacques Rousseau au Pasteur de Môtiers Frédéric-Guillaume de Montmollin Reproduction du Manuscrit Conservé À la Bibliothèque de la Ville de Neuch'tel.Jean-Jacques Rousseau & Bibliothèque de la Ville de Neuchâtel - 1970 - S.N.
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    Dialogues de Rousseau juge de Jean-Jacques ; suivis de Le Lévite d'Ephraïm.Jean-Jacques Rousseau - 1999
    Ecrits entre 1772 et 1776, les trois dialogues de Rousseau juge de Jean-Jacques apparaissent à première lecture comme une extension délirante des derniers livres des Confessions. Cette écriture du cauchemar repose en réalité sur une structure idéologique d'une extrême rigueur et révèle une logique fantasmatique d'une effrayante complexité, que l'on pourra comparer avec cet autre texte au sujet " abominable " qu'est Le Lévite d'Ephraïm, poème en prose composé par Rousseau sur la route de l'exil en juin 1762.
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    Egypt: Imperialism and Revolution.James A. Bellamy, Jacques Berque & Jean Stewart - 1976 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 96 (1):157.
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    Le site néolithique de Shillourokambos (Chypre).François Briois, Isabelle Carrère, Jacques Coularou & Jean Guilaine - 1995 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 119 (2):737-741.
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    La "Profession de foi du vicaire savoyard" de Jean-Jacques Rousseau: édition critique d'après les manuscrits de Genève, Neuch'tel et Paris.Jean-Jacques Rousseau & Pierre-Maurice Masson - 1914 - Librairie de l'Université (O. Gschwend), Hachette Et Cie.
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  50. Jean-Jacques Rousseau Textes Choisis Et Commentés.Jean-Jacques Rousseau & Albert Bazaillas - 1913 - Plon-Nourrit.
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